Our Dogs
About Us
Breed Information
Behaviour Of Puppies
Before Committing
New Family Member
Rainbow Bridge
Puppy Care Tips
Food Time
When To Call The Vet
Health Testing
Step 1
Mail Us
Home Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number
1. How did you hear about us?
2. What made you decide to adopt an Australian labradoodle?
3. When are you looking to add a puppy to your family?
4. Do you have any other dogs or pets in your household? If yes, please explain.
5. Will this be your first puppy?
6. Do you have any young children in the household? If yes, please provide ages.
7. What are your current living conditions? Do you rent or own? Do you live in a house, apartment, or condominium?
8. If renting, are pets permitted? We require as part of the application process to contact your landlord. Do you agree to this? (provide landlord name and phone)
9. Does anyone in your family suffer from dog allergies? If yes, please explain
10. How many hours during the day will your puppy be left alone?
11. Are you planning on crate training your puppy? If no, where do you plan for the puppy to be during the day when unattended?
12. Do you have a preference in gender? Are you flexible with this?
13. Do you have a preference in size?
14. Do you have a preference in color and coat type? Are you flexible with this?
15. Do you agree to our rehoming policy? If for any reason, at any time you are unable to keep your dog, we require you to contact us immediately. We will assist in rehoming him/her with you.
16. Will you plan on taking your puppy to obedience and basic training puppy classes?
17. Do you have a fenced in yard back garden?
18. Will your dog be living inside your home?
19. Are you aware of the time and energy needed to care for a young puppy, and are you willing and able to accept that responsibility?
20. Does everyone in your family want an Australian labradoodle?
21. Will the cost of caring for a young puppy fit comfortably into your budget? (annual vaccinations, grooming expenses, quality food expenses, crates, bedding, etc...)
22. Do you have a veterinarian picked out? (If so, provide name and phone number)
23. Are you and your family committed to caring for this dog for his/her entire lifetime? Their average lifespan is 15 years old.
24. Please briefly describe your family’s lifestyle. Be sure to let us know the types of activities you plan to be doing with your dog. This helps us a great deal when it is time for allocations.
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